Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Santiago, Chile...also known as...1985

So, if we found the future in Wisconsin, we've landed leg-warmer deep in the recent past here in Chile. Just a three hour ride to Miami, a five hour layover, an AWFUL Giants game, an eight hour flight, a half-hour bus ride, and a twenty-minute walk with all our belongings, and we were here: The Eighties! It seems the me-decade didn't end in recession, it just moved south for the winter. Upfront Chile's all business, in the's party time!

Ok, you get it, they dress like a John Hughes movie gone skater...and it's awesome. Yes, M'er is considering a mullet and I feel odd wearing anything but hot pink skinny jeans, but we're enjoying ourselves nonetheless (and M'er thinks we're the best-looking people here...that's right, WE).

So far, we've roamed the nation's capital and found some great neighborhoods with gorgeous brightly colored homes, climbed a couple hills for views of the snow-capped Andes through the overwhelming smog, oh and witnessed about 1,000 public makeouts. The only thing Chileans seem to love more than Mullets and Empanadas is public displays of affection. It almost seems the city was planned for it. The numerous shady plazas with ample park benches, the grassy medians between avenues, the metro...seriously, on your next commute take a look around and tell me how many darkish corners you see that could/should be filled with teenagers groping each other. My guess is at least 20.

Tonight we headed to Valparaiso and rather than watch the presidential debate, witnessed Chile and Argentina in a battle royale, futbol style. Chile won for the first time in 20 years, and that's why this post is a bit boozy. In addition to numerous replays of the only goal scored and chants of "Vamos Chile!" "Chi-Le, Chi-Le, Viva Chile!", we're enjoying this UNESCO world heritage site, its public graffiti-art, its pot-smoking teenagers, its red-rover playing children, the sunset, the moon rise, and the hostel owned by the guy who wrote our guide book. More on this all later...sans booze.

Thanks for hanging in there while we shifted from Road Trip to Back to the Future. We'll try to be more consistent from here on out. And thanks for indulging my pontificating...we're back to the light stuff now!

Pics to follow as soon as we can covertly capture some of these mullets on film.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the mullets, the punk jeans, the public makeout all brings back so many memories...of Chile, not the 80s.