Sunday, October 19, 2008

How Mel Gibson Helped to Make a Great Trip

Now in Argentina, I think I can admit that I have been anticipating this part of the trip more than our week in Chile. Valparaiso is incredibly beautiful but as Rachel mentioned, we were perhaps more entertained by the seemingly infinite number of teenagers making out in every public place we went. What is especially memorable for me was the amazing trip over the Andes Mountains into Argentina, thanks in part to Mel Gibson.

Long distance bus trips are common in South America – common for tourists and even for the folks that live here full time. Upon boarding the bus in Valpo for Mendoza (a scheduled 8 hours) we met a couple going home to Salta, another 17 hours to the north. Given the length of these rides, the buses are well equipped with super-comfy seats and they provide both meals and entertainment. These days Mel Gibson only indirectly entertains a few of us through the tabloids, but I think we can remember a time when he was much more appealing. This bus ride brought me back to that time.

On the Chilean side we were treated to snow capped mountains that create steep waterfalls. The 2 hours we spent at the boarder provided the gateway to views of Mt. Aconcagua. At over 21,000 feet it is the tallest outside of the Himalayas. The perfect backdrop to these breathtaking views is Mel Gibson’s inspiring speeches and cries for freedom in the featured film, “Braveheart.” It was truly an emotional experience descending the Andes through canyons, next to lakes and gushing rivers while also watching a rabble of Scots fight to live their lives as free men against Lonshanks’ English. You may want to download some bagpipe music before viewing the few pictures we were able to take through the bus window. (There’s pics of Valpo and Santiago too.)


Anonymous said...

Wow. After the election and I'm irrelevant I might have to pretire as well. This all looks very cool.

I'm left with the Geico cave men to amuse me in between stops at law school until you both get back!

Anonymous said...

The US misses both of you.

Anonymous said...

Ok M'er two of those pics (which were all awesome) with captions on them reminded me of two things from HS. One had to do with the Spectrum, the other with Rent. Can you figure them out?