Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Badlands National Park, SD and Wall Drug

Near the western end of South Dakota, the plains end dramatically in the Badlands. Upon entering the park, the tall spires and buttes took us by surprise. I think the pictures will tell the best story of the quickly changing topography. Practically a desert, there wasn’t much wildlife that we saw during the day. However, that changed when an unpaved road took us to our campsite. Across a small field and dried-up river, we found a herd of 200 bison. After an amazing sunset we returned to camp with the bison only yards away- their eyes reflecting in the light of our lantern. The Badlands was a short but memorable stop.

And finally we reached it. 400 miles in the making, South Dakota’s version of South of the Border: Wall Drug. Now a tourist attraction, the only pharmacy in Wall, SD (current population: 800) the business survived and became famous for advertising free ice water. Of course we indulged in the world renowned water, some fresh doughnuts, photo-cut outs and a free ride on a jackalope. Would you rather be a jackalope of a unicorn? Discuss.

Check out the pics here:


Unknown said...

Just updated myself on all your activities... and am pondering the answers to your riveting questions:
1. UNICORN - did Lisa Frank ever use jackilopes on her binders? I think not...
2. Pros for Flintstones = badass jewelry and sassy hemlines. Pros for Jetsons = flying and a robot maid. Jetsons WIN!

Miss you guys! Thanks for the REALLY late phone call last night Rachie.


Leah Shoval said...

ok - so my "would you rather" for you:
Rachie: would you rather date Fred Flinstone or Barney Rubble? I mean it may already be clear from the makeout pictures I just witnessed, but I never know - it coulda been an affair!

MScott: who wins your love? Wilma or Betty?

I say - Forget the Jetsons (obviously). They were just some lame spinoff! Go for the true thing :)

P.S. AWESOME SIGN: 1880 town. I think we need to add something like that to the front of our building when we get it!