Saturday, September 13, 2008

Arches and Canyonlands National Parks, Moab UT

We decided to switch things up, and just provide some annotated pictures. We did some mountain biking and river rafting, but no pics from those adventures.


Leah Shoval said...

LOVED the pictures. Am truly jealous! But BOOOO on the no story part of the post. I like hearing you guys ramble about what Jesus would do and random acts of kindness. But don't you remember, you can get those kinds of random acts on the side of the highway in Chicago too! :)

Anonymous said...

Pictures are amazing, but I'm with Leah...We can look at all the pics we want on-line of arches, lakes, sunsets and what-not but we want to hear about your adventures. Quit being so lazy, you hobos.


Sara Stubbs said...

Jesus was a community organizer, and everyone knows that you can't organize communities without cookies. Is this making sense? I care about you guys, and I really dislike Sarah Palin. Did those sentiments shine through?

Anonymous said...

I agree with Leah and Brett, stop being lazy and write some stories! Rach- we went to the new cupcake store in Dupont good. Do you miss $3 gourmet baked goods?

ThinkingandResponsibility said...

Kat- not when we're getting free one's from the Lord.