Near the western end of South Dakota, the plains end dramatically in the Badlands. Upon entering the park, the tall spires and buttes took us by surprise. I think the pictures will tell the best story of the quickly changing topography. Practically a desert, there wasn’t much wildlife that we saw during the day. However, that changed when an unpaved road took us to our campsite. Across a small field and dried-up river, we found a herd of 200 bison. After an amazing sunset we returned to camp with the bison only yards away- their eyes reflecting in the light of our lantern. The Badlands was a short but memorable stop.

And finally we reached it. 400 miles in the making, South Dakota’s version of South of the Border: Wall Drug. Now a tourist attraction, the only pharmacy in Wall, SD (current population: 800) the business survived and became famous for advertising free ice water. Of course we indulged in the world renowned water, some fresh doughnuts, photo-cut outs and a free ride on a jackalope. Would you rather be a jackalope of a unicorn? Discuss.
Check out the pics here:
Just updated myself on all your activities... and am pondering the answers to your riveting questions:
1. UNICORN - did Lisa Frank ever use jackilopes on her binders? I think not...
2. Pros for Flintstones = badass jewelry and sassy hemlines. Pros for Jetsons = flying and a robot maid. Jetsons WIN!
Miss you guys! Thanks for the REALLY late phone call last night Rachie.
ok - so my "would you rather" for you:
Rachie: would you rather date Fred Flinstone or Barney Rubble? I mean it may already be clear from the makeout pictures I just witnessed, but I never know - it coulda been an affair!
MScott: who wins your love? Wilma or Betty?
I say - Forget the Jetsons (obviously). They were just some lame spinoff! Go for the true thing :)
P.S. AWESOME SIGN: 1880 town. I think we need to add something like that to the front of our building when we get it!
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